Owned Media: SEO
Available for 365 days upon enrollment
Expertise / Commercial / Marketing

Owned Media: SEO

Search engine optimisation (SEO) means having your site appear higher in the search engine results pages.  Accomplishing this goal is highly competitive in the hospitality/ travel industry due to individual hotel sites, brand sites, destination sites, review sites, and OTAs competing for the top lines. This course identifies the best practices for hospitality within the world of SEO.

 You will learn
  • What is SEO
  • Creating an SEO Strategy
  • Key factors for both onsite and offsite optimisation
  • The importance of local search
  • White-hat versus black-hat tactics
  • Structured data
  • Setting up in search engines
There is no description for this course
Duration (mins) : 180

Course content

  • Lesson Owned Media: SEO
    • Owned, Earned and Paid Media explained
    • SEO for Hospitality